“80th Anniversary Masterclass of Maestro Pepe Romero” - Granada 2024
27 al 31 de julio de 2024 – VIII Festival Internacional de la Guitarra de Granada Antonio Marín
Con el patrocinio de la California State University - Summer Arts

La European Guitar Foundation, con el patrocinio de la California State University, convoca el “Masterclass 80 aniversario del Maestro Pepe Romero”.
El curso será impartido en exclusiva por el Maestro Pepe Romero, transcurriendo entre los días 27 al 31 de julio.
Las clases transcurrirán en horario de mañana, de 10 a 13:30.
El nivel mínimo aceptado será medio.
Los alumnos matriculados, dispondrán de 1 entrada para los conciertos del dia 25 (Pepe Romero), 26 (por determinar) , 29 (Iliana Matos)  y 30 (Andrea González), que tendrán lugar, a la misma vez que el curso, en el VIII Festival Internacional de la Guitarra de Granada Antonio Marín.
El día 31, los alumnos participarán en un recital dentro del VIII Festival Internacional de la Guitarra de Granada Antonio Marín.

Modalidad Activa: Precio 400 euros. Plazas muy limitadas. Se reservarán las plazas por riguroso orden de inscripción
-Los alumnos darán una clase con el Maestro Romero.
-Todos los alumnos estarán autorizados a asistir en las clases del resto de participantes.
-Los alumnos inscritos en la modalidad activa, podrán participar en el concierto final del curso, que se celebrará el día 31 de julio.
-Los alumnos matriculados, dispondrán de 1 entrada para los conciertos del dia 25 (Pepe Romero), 26 (por determinar) , 29 (Iliana Matos)  y 30 (Andrea González), que tendrán lugar, a la misma vez que el curso, en el VIII Festival Internacional de la Guitarra de Granada Antonio Marín.
-Se les entregará diploma acreditativo expedido por la European Guitar Foundation y firmado por el Maestro Pepe Romero.

Modalidad Oyente: Precio 200 euros. Plazas muy limitadas. Se reservarán las plazas por riguroso orden de inscripción
-También existirá la posibilidad de matricularse como oyente, estando autorizados a escuchar las clases del resto de participantes.
-Los alumnos matriculados, dispondrán de 1 entrada para los conciertos del dia 25 (Pepe Romero), 26 (por determinar) , 29 (Iliana Matos)  y 30 (Andrea González), que se celebrarán dentro del VIII Festival Internacional de la Guitarra de Granada Antonio Marín.
-Se les entregará diploma acreditativo expedido por la European Guitar Foundation y firmado por el Maestro Pepe Romero.

Fecha límite de inscripción: 10 de julio 2024 (contacte primero para disponibilidad de plazas)

“80th Anniversary Masterclass of Maestro Pepe Romero” - Granada 2024
27th - 31th of July   2024 – VIII Granada Guitar Festival Antonio Marin
Sponsored by California State University Summer Arts

The European Guitar Foundation, with the sponsorship of the California State University, announce the “80th Anniversary Masterclass of Maestro Pepe Romero”.
The course will be taught exclusively by Maestro Pepe Romero, taking place between July 27 and 31.
Classes will take place in the morning, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The minimum accepted level will be medium.
Enrolled students will have 1 ticket for the concerts on the 25th (Pepe Romero), 26th (to be determined), 29th (Iliana Matos) and 30th (Andrea González), which will take place, at the same time as the course, in the VIII Antonio Marín Granada International Guitar Festival.
On the 31st, the students will participate in a recital within the VIII Antonio Marín Granada International Guitar Festival.

Active Mode:
-The students will give a class with Maestro Romero.
-All students will be authorized to attend the classes of the rest of the participants.
-Students enrolled in the active modality will be able to participate in the final concert of the course, which will be held on July 31.
-Enrolled students will have 1 ticket for the concerts on the 25th (Pepe Romero), 26th (to be determined), 29th (Iliana Matos) and 30th (Andrea González), which will take place at the same time as the course. at the VIII Antonio Marín Granada International Guitar Festival.
-They will be given a diploma issued by the European Guitar Foundation and signed by Maestro Pepe Romero.

Listener Mode:
-There will also be the possibility of registering as a listener, being authorized to listen to the classes of the rest of the participants.
-Enrolled students will have 1 ticket for the concerts on the 25th (Pepe Romero), 26th (to be determined), 29th (Iliana Matos) and 30th (Andrea González), which will be held within the VIII International Guitar Festival of Granada Antonio Marín.
-They will be given a diploma issued by the European Guitar Foundation and signed by Maestro Pepe Romero.

Active mode: Price 400 euros. Very limited places. Places will be reserved in strict order of registration.
Listener mode: Price 200 euros. Limited places. Places will be reserved in strict order of registration.

Please send us an email with: your complete name, identification number in your country (or passport number), age, a screen capture or photocopy of proof of payment and biography as guitarist to

DEADLINE: 10th JULY 2024 (Please, contact first for availability)